PT's Blog
Visual cues as simple as the color of the vessel we're drinking out of subconsciously affect our perception of flavor. Our recent public cupping opened some eyes!
Read moreThe past few years have brought many changes for our longtime partners in Nariño, from new leadership at Finca Villa Loyola to a new processing site for Finca Santa Maria.
Read moreNearly two decades into the Panamanian Gesha revolution, the country’s premier producers continue to push the boundaries of specialty coffee by exploring and refining processing techniques.
Read moreThe composition of our Signature Blends changes throughout the year according to the harvest schedule of different coffee-growing regions. With specific flavor profiles in mind for each component, we select in-season coffees that fit the bill.
Read moreHacienda Bajo Mono Static Gesha Natural got the gold at the Good Food Awards ceremony in Portland on April 21st.
Read moreThe final stop on our team's trip brings them to Bicafe, which provides dry milling for our partners, and Finca El Socorro, where a wide range of varieties thrive.
Read moreHuehuetenango is home to Finca La Providencia—responsible for the "body and soul" of our Signature Blends for most of the year—and Finca La Bolsa, a Vides58 farm.
Read moreIn Guatemala City, Servex provides essential dry milling, exporting, and logistics services to many of our Direct Trade partners. Take a peek inside!
Read moreNext stop for our coffee sourcing team during their Guatemala trip: Nando Diaz's Finca Santa Ana, a remote farm in Santa Rosa Department.
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