PT's Filtron Brew Guide

The technique of cold water coffee brewing, popular among Dutch settlers in Java in the 19th century, involves steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold, fresh water for up to 24 hours. When filtered, the liquid concentrate may be stored in the refrigerator for up to six weeks or frozen for longer periods. Just add water, milk, or cream for a delicious, smooth cup of coffee. Cold brew is ideal for people with sensitive stomachs and works for iced or blended coffee drinks.
The guide below provides a foundation from which to start, though we encourage experimentation as you develop your personal preferences.
Things you’ll need:- Filtron Cold Brew System
- Burr grinder
- Digital scale that measures in grams
- Whole bean specialty coffee
- Brew time: 12-24 hours (we recommend 20)
- Coffee: 283.5g (10oz)
- Water: 1134g (38 fluid oz)
- Coffee to water ratio: approx. 1:4
- Grind: coarsest setting available
- Ideal water temperature: room temperature
Grind 283.5g (10oz) of coffee at the coarsest setting available on your grinder.
Step 2Insert rubber stopper into the bottom of the Filtron. Make sure it is sealed tightly.
Step 3Pre-wet the felt filter and place it in the bottom of the brewing chamber. Place a Filtron paper filter in the chamber.
Step 4Pour all the ground coffee into the filter. Make sure the coffee is evenly distributed.
Step 5Add 1134g (38 fluid oz) of water. Focus on saturating and submerging all of the coffee grounds. Stir gently. Let sit for 2-3 minutes. Stir again. Place plastic disk on top of the grounds to help further submerge the grounds and achieve even extraction.
Step 6Put the top on the Filtron. Let sit for 12-24 hours. The amount of time will depend on how much body you want in your finished brew. The longer the brew, the more body.
Step 7After 12-24 hours, pull the plug and let the coffee concentrate drain.
Step 8To prepare a cup of delicious iced coffee use one part concentrate to two or three parts milk, cream, or water based on your preference. Add ice, stir, and enjoy!