Per Aspera Benefit Blend - Spring Roundup
This season's numbers are in for Per Aspera Benefit Blend! Thanks to all who purchased this coffee to support a good cause.
Net profits from Per Aspera this spring totaled $845.75, and we will be rounding our donation up to an even $1,000. This donation will help fund the Kansas Children's Discovery Center's programs and offer free/discounted admission to families who need it. These programs include:
Play Free: Incarcerated mothers/grandmothers are brought from the correctional facility to CDC before their children arrive. They get to have breakfast and lunch together along with a day of play. The mothers also get to meet with their children's caregivers to hear updates about their kids’ lives. The kids then leave before the mothers go back to the facility so they never see their mothers "in custody."
Sensory Friendly Sundays: One Sunday every month where kids on the autism spectrum or with sensory disorders can come play in a calmer environment. They have a music therapist as well as a therapy dog to provide fun interactions without being overwhelming.
Discovery Baby: New parents with infants can play together. Parents get support and tips on ways to interact with their baby.
Medical Warriors: Scheduled after-hours time for children with fragile immune systems to play with their family. These children often cannot go to the library or playgrounds, so this gives them a safe place to have fun and get hands-on learning.
If you'd like to find out more information, visit kansasdiscovery.org.
Make sure to keep an eye out for our next launch for Per Aspera Benefit Blend!
More about Per Aspera Benefit Blend
Taking its name from Kansas' state motto—Ad Astra Per Aspera, or "to the stars through difficulties"—our Benefit Blend evolves seasonally, with 100% of net profits going to organizations dedicated to fostering positive social change. We will often focus on Kansas-based causes, but will also take into account organizations that address inequities along the global specialty coffee supply chain.