Sudan Rume is Coffee Review's No. 3 Coffee of 2019
We're thrilled that Sudan Rume Natural landed at No. 3 on Coffee Review's Top 30 Coffees of 2019! That's two years in a row that this coffee has been on the list, after a No. 5 ranking in 2018.
Expertly grown and processed by our Direct Trade partners Café Granja La Esperanza, this rare varietal is known for its exceptional cup profile, though it is extremely low-yielding and thus difficult to produce successfully.
Here's what Coffee Review had to say about our roast:
"Shifting, original, startling in its giddy intricacy. Winey pine (think retsina wine), cocoa powder, green apple, Concord grape, ginger blossom, much more in aroma and cup. Sweetly and delicately pungent in structure. Lightly syrupy and almost effervescently buoyant in mouthfeel. The winey pine character and a floral sweetness carry persuasively into a crisp finish."
This harvest is now sold out, but stay tuned for a new harvest arriving in January.
Our sister company, Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, also appears on the list at No. 11 with La Palma Y El Tucán Hero Series Colombia Sidra Lot #190 and at No. 15 with Café Granja La Esperanza Geisha XO.
meem on
Thanks for the info .Waiting for the new harvest batch of coffee