New Shipping Rates
We've made some changes to our shipping policies to keep our coffee easy on your wallet through uncertain times. Here's a rundown:
Free Shipping
The minimum for free shipping is now $30, down from $50! We'll continue to ship via FedEx One Rate, which typically arrives in 2 business days. (If you prefer USPS Priority Mail, please add a note to your order at checkout.)
First Class Shipping
Customers purchasing a single 12 oz. bag of coffee can take advantage of $3 First Class shipping via USPS—$2 cheaper than before!
2-3 Day Shipping
Orders under $30 are still eligible for our standard $5 flat rate shipping via FedEx One Rate. (If you have a P.O. Box we'll ship via USPS Priority Mail.)
Visit our Shipping FAQs page for more information about our shipping policies. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
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