We're #5 and #12 on Coffee Review's Top 30 Coffees of 2018!
What a way to wrap up the year: Coffee review released its full list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2018 this week, and we're featured at #5 and #12!
Our #5 finisher was Sudan Rume, a rare variety from our Direct Trade partners Cafe Granja La Esperanza, in Colombia. It was available in our Blue Label line early this year, along with La Esperanza's Mokka. Coffee Review called it "Intensely pungent, richly vibrant, deeply sweet, startlingly original."
Our #12 finisher was the beloved Maracaturra from our Guatemalan Direct Trade Partners Finca El Socorro. Coffee Review called it "Richly sweet, balanced, intricately layered... A lovely example of the big-beaned Maracaturra variety." We recently sold out of this coffee, though we are still offering the first harvest of El Socorro's Java.
And that's not all: our sister company, Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, nabbed the #8 spot with La Providencia Maragogype and #17 with their canned Red Bourbon Honey Cold Brew!
We're incredibly proud of our team here in Topeka and at Bird Rock in San Diego, not to mention the amazing Direct Trade partners who made these coffees possible with their dedication and utmost care.