T W E N T Y - F I V E
PT's was born on February 3rd, 1993. That makes us...
...132 years younger than the state of Kansas
...11 years younger than the Specialty Coffee Association of America, but 5 years older than the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe
...7 years older than the Roasters Guild
...9 years older than the U.S. Barista Championship
...9 years older than Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, whom we acquired one year ago
...11 years older than Roast Magazine
In our 25 years we've helped usher in coffee's third wave by establishing Direct Trade practices to support the farmers who produce our coffee and ensure their continued success; built a large wholesale program across the U.S.; expanded our brick-and-mortar cafe locations from Topeka to Lawrence and Kansas City; received more than 30 scores of 94 and above from Coffee Review; received Roast Magazine's Roaster of the Year award (2009); and much more.
We've been at this for a long time, but we're growing more than ever. 25 is looking good!