Our Direct Trade partners farm and process exceptional coffee throughout Latin America.

Guatemala | The Vides Family, Vides58


In 1958, a full-time doctor named Jorge Vides founded Finca La Bolsa, a coffee plantation in La Libertad, Huehuetenango. He worked five days a week visiting patients around the country, but began cultivating Bourbon and Caturra essentially as a hobby.

His passion for healthcare led him to become Director of the National Hospital of Huehuetenango, which bears his name today. And in 1980, he founded an elementary school to serve the children of workers on the farm and from the neighboring communities. The school still runs on the farm and has been authorized by Ministry of Education.

Today, Vides58 is a third-generation coffee producer with a growing network of farms, including La Bolsa, El Rincón, and Las Terrazas.

They have agronomists on staff to teach good agronomic practices, with sustainable and environmentally-friendly priorities based on Rainforest Alliance standards. The goal is to focus on the conservation of ecosystems by protecting wildlife, using water efficiently, and avoiding deforestation.

In 2012, with the help of Association Coffee Care, they created a project that seeks to reduce child labor and improve quality of life for coffee pickers. They offer vocational workshops for adults and day care centers for children between 2-14 years.

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Past Offerings:
Don Angel Washed
Nance Washed
La Libertad
Las Terrazas
La Bolsa Dos Rios

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