Our Direct Trade partners farm and process exceptional coffee throughout Latin America.

El Salvador | Sergio and Isabel Ticas, Finca Los Planes


More than twenty years ago, our friends Sergio and Isabel Ticas began production on Finca Los Planes in the mountainous region of Chalatenango, El Salvador. Coming from Chalatenango, Sergio was not expected to produce a remarkable coffee. And yet, just six years later, Sergio collected his plaque for 2nd Place in the 2006 El Salvador Cup of Excellence competition. This award, and his remarkable coffee, helped catapult this “no-name” region of El Salvador into a star in the coffee-growing world.

We met Sergio and Isabel following their 2nd place finish. Jeff and Sergio quickly became good friends. During that first visit, we were immensely impressed by Sergio’s use of the money from the Cup of Excellence competition to improve the beneficio on the farm, thereby improving the processing of future harvests. This showed us their commitment and dedication to quality and constant improvement.

“On that visit, I met a man who has a passion for the land, the people he works with, and the coffee he produces!”
- Jeff Taylor

We developed a quick friendship that has become stronger each year. We’ve carried Finca Los Planes as a Direct Trade coffee for several years now, and each year we have worked with Sergio to bring you new and different coffees from his farm, along with the normal favorites. Our relationship with Finca Los Planes has developed into a standard-setting model for our Direct Trade program. We are proud to be partners with Finca Los Planes on many projects to help out their community and improve the farm.

Since 2007, PT’s and Finca Los Planes have placed a high priority on supporting the surrounding community. The neighbors to the farm are also the pickers and day laborers. Supporting them with medicines for the clinic and uniforms for the football team have created a solid foundation of trust between the farm and the community. Everyone in the community has a vested interest in a successful harvest each year. 

Past offerings from Finca Los Planes:

Bourbon Anaerobic Natural
Bourbon Honey
La Muela Pacamara Washed
El Matazano Pacamara

La Lagunita Natural
La Muela Pacamara Washed (94 Points from Coffee Review) 

La Muela Pacamara Washed
La Lagunita Bourbon Natural Anaerobic
El Matazano Pacamara

La Lagunita Honey
El Matazano Washed
La Muela Pacamara
Los Tamales Pacamara Honey

La Muela Pacamara
El Matazano Honey
El Matazano Peaberry
La Muela
Lagunita Washed
Matazano Honey
Matazano Honey
Matazano Natural
Lagunita Honey
El Pimiento
El Pimiento
Cerro Los Tamales
Matazano Washed
El Jefe
Cerro Las Tamales

PT's Direct Trade Program

Ensuring quality by empowering farmers.

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