Colombia | Finca El Bosque
Pink Bourbon Washed
Pear, Nougat, Pink Guava

Colombia | Finca El Bosque
Pink Bourbon Washed
Pear, Nougat, Pink Guava
Aromas of nougat and peach invite you to enjoy this round-bodied brew. We found notes of pear, pink guava, and black tea in the cup. Nougat-like sweetness softens its Meyer lemon acidity, with a finish of raw almond and sweet caramel.
Producer: Linarco Rodriguez Ospina
Farm: Finca El Bosque
Region: Palestina, Huila
Altitude: 5,627 feet | 1,715 masl
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Process: Washed
Roast: Light-Medium
Notes: Pear, Nougat, Pink Guava
From the importers, Azahar Coffee:
"In the vereda (township) of Buenos Aires in Huila's southern coffee-growing municipality of Palestina there is a grower’s association called Café Origen Palestina, founded with the goal of bettering post-collection processing and providing adequate parchment storage for members. One of its founding members is Linarco Rodriguez Ospina, a second-generation coffee producer who has continuously proven that he is a force to be reckoned with.
"This micro-lot marks one of the first we have bought from Linarco for international exportation after trying many samples of his coffee in 2021. Since the pandemic forced us to change how we offer green coffee to our clients abroad, many samples of Linarco’s Finca El Bosque coffee have been sent out to cupping tables worldwide, and they have been very well received. We hope this year to be able to safely visit Linarco and his family.
"Finca El Bosque sits at 1,715 m.a.s.l. and is planted with two varieties of coffee: Gesha and Pink Bourbon. Linarco carries out his post-collection processing at the association’s headquarters, as he is yet to install the necessary infrastructure on his farm. The Pink Bourbon cherry is first floated to remove any under-ripe or damaged cherry, as well as any debris. The cherry is then fermented for 24 hours, to later be de-pulped and set to ferment again for 36 hours in tanks. The last step is to decrease the moisture content of the beans, which Linarco does by putting the coffee in a marquesina to dry for a period of 22 days."
Red and Yellow Bourbon combine to create the Pink Bourbon hybrid (also called Orange Bourbon), a coffee unique in appearance and flavor profile. Farmers must carefully manage crop placements to ensure the proper cross-pollination of cherries that can range in color from light red to soft orange. During harvest, determining ripeness requires extra inspection and isn’t as simple as choosing only the reddest cherries. This challenging process produces complex flavors.